This is Microsoft's DirectX 9.0 Software Development Kit (SDK). It contains all DirectX software required to create DirectX 9.0 compliant applications.
Major components include: DirectX 9.0 system components (runtimes); DirectX 9.0 Application Programming Interface (API) Documentation for each of the DirectX core areas (written for C++, C#, or Visual Basic .Net developers); DirectX 9.0 headers & libraries; Sample applications and source code; miscellaneous tools and utilities.
After installing, those new to DirectX should start with the DirectX 9.0 documentation. More seasoned developers may also want to view the "What's New" section. Professional DirectX developers should refer to the "KNOWN ISSUES" section prior to raising concerns.
Managed DirectX
DirectX Audio (DirectSound® & DirectMusic®
Broadcast Driver Architecture
CD Layout
Compiler Support
Special Thanks
Roland SoundCanvans Sound Set for General MIDI and GS
There are many new and exciting features in all of the DirectX components.
One such feature is the addition of the high level shading language (HLSL) in the D3DX library. This language provides a C-like language for creating and defining your vertex and pixel shaders. The SDK has also added a new member to its core technology called Managed DirectX, a DirectPlay port for the PocketPC, and Windows XP parity on down-level operating systems for DirectShow and the DirectX audio APIs.
DirectShow also has a new Video Mixing Renderer (VMR9) which uses D3D9 surfaces and always renders video through the 3D pipeline, along with new and exciting samples.
DirectSound has support for sample rates above 192 kHz, improved effect support, and a low-latency sink for DirectMusic. DirectMusic includes new features targeted toward sound designers, some new wizards, as well as an updated version of the authoring tool, DirectMusic Producer.
DirectX 9.0 Sample Browser: This is a new method of access samples, documentation and projects with DirectX 9.0. With the Sample Browser, we’ve removed the lengthy Start Menu hierarchy to execute samples and replaced it with the Sample Browser. From the browser you can execute samples, view documentation, load a sample project in Visual Studio (version 6 or .NET) & access DirectX utilities.
See the "New Features:" section for each of the component for additional information.
ALWAYS UNINSTALL PREVIOUS RELEASES of the DirectX SDK prior to installing DirectX 9.0 SDK Release (see UNINSTALL). Installing on top of a previous installation will cause you problems.
In addition, you should uninstall any DirectX SDK installations that may be part of a Microsoft Platform SDK installation prior to installing the DirectX 9.0 SDK.
DirectX 9.0 SDK does not support Windows 95, Windows NT, or NEC PC98 systems. Installations on these systems have been blocked.
On Windows 2000 or Windows XP, You must be logged on as an administrator before installing the DirectX 9.0 SDK, installing the runtime, using any of SDK tools, or running any of the SDK samples.
Running the DirectX 9.0 SDK install on Windows XP and later checked builds may result in assertions from inside the install package. We have found no cases where continuing on past the assert dialog boxes results in improper installation of the DirectX 9.0 SDK, so it is safe to continue past these asserts.
An Internal error can occur after the NTFS permissions for the Administrators group or the System account have been removed from the %SystemRoot%\Installer folder. To resolve this issue, reset the NTFS permissions for the %SystemRoot%\Installer folder so that it includes both the Administrators group and the System account. Search the Microsoft knowledge base article for more information.
Please be alerted to the fact that using the "subst" command can result in path names that are too long for the installer to operate correctly. Please do not use this command for determining target drives of the DirectX SDK installer prior to invoking the installer. This is also liable to cause the SDK uninstaller to fail.
The DirectX 9.0 runtime installer should not be run in Compatibility Mode.
Direct Animation is not registered properly on SDKDev debug runtime install.
The DirectX 9.0 runtime requires a Pentium compatible CPU for operation. Setup will not install on processors that do not report Pentium compatibility. Some older Cyrix processors, while compatible with the Pentium instruction set, report as x486 processors, and thus do not support installation of the DirectX 9.0 runtime.
On pre-patched Win98SE machine DirectX SDK setup fails with the following error: Error number 0x80070725 Incompatible version of RPC stud
The Reference Rasterize is not installed on any versions of .NET Server 2003 product family.
To uninstall, use "Add/Remove Programs" from the Control Panel to uninstall the InstallShield installations.
DXDiag automation, to enable MSInfo32 and other clients to get at its info.
DirectPlay hot-switchable between retail and debug using SDK control panel.
Visual Studio.NET compatibility (projects, solutions, etc. )
New AppWizards for DMOs (DirectSound/DirectShow) and DMTool (DirectMusic)
New Samples - vastly improved DirectShow/Direct3D integration is a note worthy change over DirectX 8.x.
Updated AppWizard for Visual Studio 7.0
D3DSpy is a new addition to the DirectX 9.0 SDK and can be used to analyze Direct3D programs. D3DSpy provides a simple user interface that lets programmers monitor the internal state of the Direct3D runtime, track and step through every call a program makes into Direct3D, examine the contents of textures/models/etc., and see statistical information about how efficiently a program uses the Direct3D API. You’ll find D3DSpy in the bin\DXUtils folder.
New SAMPLES: Shader Workshop interactive shader test environment
New to DirectX 9.0 is Managed DirectX. We have enabled access to the DirectX APIs though managed code. Visual Studio .NET developers can now take advantage of the multimedia functionality and hardware acceleration of DirectX. Exposed API include: Direct3D, DirectPlay, DirectInput, DirectSound and support for Audio/Video Playback. By eliminating the COM interop layer we are able to enhance performance over previous typelibs. For example, the performance goal for Managed Direct3D is 98% of core C++ performance. By using managed code we’ve also seen a minimum reduction in code of 10% and upwards of 40% in some cases. Managed code is a great productivity improvement and frees developers from having to deal with memory management tasks.
The SDK Sample Browser requires Microsoft Internet Explorer v5.01 or higher is required to run.
Be sure to set the paths to the DirectX 9.0 lib and headers within Visual Studio. They must be listed first. Otherwise you may experience compiler errors.
DirectDraw labels its debug spew as coming from "Direct3D8".
NetMeeting and Windows XP Remote Desktop disable graphics hardware acceleration.
Not all the debug files are provided for .NET Server. They will be made available once .NET Server Releases.
When using the DXAppwizard, under C++ using the DirectInput Keyboard mapper option, the code for the CleanupDirectInput() is missing a line of code. The code to be added is m_pKeyboard->Unacquire(). Without this the debug spew spits out that it is missing.
Fully localized DirectX 9.0 Japanese
documentation for all components is supported. Copy or install from the
folder on DirectX 9.0 SDK CD or download separately, since this document is
not installed by the standard installation.
DirectX9JpnDoc.msi is the DirectX 9.0 Japanese Documentation Installer only
for Visual Studio .NET, which include C++ and Managed documentations. In
order to read this documentation the Visual Studio .NET is required. This
installation requires administrator permission.
The links to the DirectX 9.0 documentation files from the start menu do not work on Windows 98 SE. On all supported versions of Windows proper icons are not displayed for the start mention documentation links.
For proper viewing of the DirectX Documentation, install the docs from the DirectX 9.0 SDK CD. Specify a full installation, or if you chose a Custom install, ensure that you've selected Documentation.
The known issues with the DirectX 9.0 Documentation are described in a separate file. You will find these issues listed in the DirectX9_Doc_Readme.txt file found in the <DXSDK Installed Folder>\doc\DirectX9 folder. This file is also installed into the <DXSDK InstallFolder>\doc\DirectX9when Documentation is installed.
See DirectX 9.0 SDK CD extras\documentation directory for other related documentation from previous versions of DirectX. This content is also available as a download
Installing DirectX documentation from both the DirectX SDK and MSDN® Library can result in duplicate topics in Visual Studio. If this occurs, you should take the following steps to uninstall the DirectX documentation from the SDK.
In Control Panel, click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
Highlight Microsoft DirectX 9.0 Documentation and then click Remove.
The DirectX managed code application programming interface (API) documentation is automatically installed with DirectX 9.0 when Visual Studio .Net is installed. Open Visual Studio .NET and then, from the Help menu at the top, choose Contents. The documentation node in the Table of Contents is called DirectX 9.0 (Managed). The documentation can also be viewed on the Web at See the help topic, "Tips and Tricks Using Managed Code," for the basics of how to install and use DirectX managed code and documentation.
Full support for all features in Direct3D, D3DX, DirectDraw, DirectPlay, DirectInput, and DirectSound.
Support for simple playback of many common audio and video formats.
A near 1 for 1 complement of samples when compared with C++.
Code reduction: Most common tasks done in DirectX are done with fewer lines of code via Managed Code.
Tight integration with .NET - Managed DirectX fully utilizes .NET and it's common types anywhere it can. For example, you can create a Managed Direct3D texture from a .NET Bitmap object via the 'FromBitmap' method.
A Managed DirectX Application Wizard: The wizard (for C# or Visual Basic .Net) creates a small template application that can integrate the common DirectX components. It provides basic functionality that is easy to build on and demonstrates the use of each component.
Managed DirectX documentation is only available through the Visual Studio .NET IDE help system.
The DirectPlay.cs file generated by the Managed AppWizard contains a flaw, in that it does not clean up any of the DPlay objects it creates. This causes an unhandled windows exception on program exit (only when voice is enabled). A complete fix should call Dispose() on the peer object. The following actions should be taken on the DirectPlay objects and they should be independently exception-safe:
Managed DirectX ( MDX ) requires both Visual Studio .NET and the .NET framework for development. The runtime installs MDX, so MDX .NET applications will run as long as the .NET framework is installed. The .NET framework is available for download at: This includes the .NET framework redistributable required to enable .NET applications, including MDX .NET applications, to execute on machines without the development tools installed. For more information, see the .NET framework FAQs: . The .NET framework SP2 is a recommended update, available at
DirectSound low-latency sink: enables DirectMusic to attain significantly lower latency when using audiopaths that play through the software synthesizer and DirectSound. This is of particular interest to sound designers and composers who wish to take advantage of DirectMusic's features but require low latency for quick interactive response. For this release the default latency for DirectMusic is 55 ms; however, on higher-end machines the latency can be set much lower.
DirectSound support of 192+ kHz: The maximum frequency of sound buffers has been increased from 100 kHz to 200 kHz, where supported by the operating system (i.e., starting with Windows XP SP1). Note that this new frequency limit is not currently supported by DirectShow.
Frequency and effects (DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY and DSBCAPS_CRTLFX flags) can now be combined on DirectSound buffers.
effects in dsdmo.dll support parameter curves (when hosted outside of
DirectSound) without having to call Process() on them repeatedly in very
small increments. The effects in dsdmo.dll can also process audio data in
IEEE_FLOAT format.
WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE audio formats are fully supported throughout DirectSound. However, they cannot be used in conjunction with DMO effects.
DirectMusic waves in wave tracks have variable range values for attenuation and fine tuning, enabling another degree of randomness in playback.
DirectMusic streamed waves now have looping enabled. This is effective for the use of larger streamed waves for looped environments and ambiences.
DirectMusic clocktime looping is enabled, allowing loops that will not change when the musical tempo is altered. In order to function as expected, segment length should be set in clocktime; every segment track should also be specified to use clocktime in its property page.
DirectMusic compression improvement: a function to eliminate the empty space at the start of MP3 compressed wave files in DLS.
DirectSound and DirectMusic include all Windows XP and Windows XP SP1 bug fixes.
New Audio Effect DMO and DirectMusic Tool wizards. See CD Layout above for more detailed information.
DirectMusic Style Library in the Essentials directory. See CD Layout above for more detailed information.
DirectMusic Producer: see Dmusprod.txt after installing Producer for new feature information.
Wave track volume is not reset after a transition if a band has altered that PChannel's volume. Workaround: add a band to the segment with the wave track
DirectSound notifications can be triggered by other DirectSound processes or other DirectSound buffers within the same process (rare but something to be aware of)
DirectMusic in not installed by default on Windows .Net Server 2003. However, DirectX 9 (including DirectMusic) can be installed on this operating system.
Many new interesting data formats, including:
Support for 2D/video/GDI features, including:
Support for video hardware acceleration
2D operations, e.g., stretch, BLT, scissoring
GDI interoperability with GetDC method
Displacement maps
Depth biasing
Antialiased lines
Constant blend factor
Separate alpha channel blending
Multisampling quality control parameter
Multi-Element Texture support
Multiple render targets
Autogenerated mipmaps
Spherical TexGen mode
Asynchronous notification
New vertex stream declarations
Multi-head support
Cleaned up interfaces to Swap Effects and Presentation Rates
Improved monitor refresh rate heuristics
Gamma correction
Color-converting windowed presentation
Pixel shader models 2.0 and 3.0
Vertex shader models 2.0 and 3.0
D3D9 interfaces are restricted to DirectX 7 level and above DDI drivers.
A limitation of the Windows2000 Kernel can result in some resources being freed while the resource is locked and being accessed by the application.
This results in the app writing to freed memory, causing an exception.
The problem only occurs with D3DPOOL_DEFAULT resources that the display driver chooses to place in system memory. When the device is put into a lost state (due to a mode change or ALT+TAB), all D3DPOOL_DEFAULT resources are freed. Direct3D has code to alias video memory resource pointers and redirect them to a dummy page, but D3DPOOL_DEFAULT system memory resources are not protected. The most common D3DPOOL_DEFAULT resources that get placed in system memory are Index Buffers, but some drivers may choose to place other resources in system memory as well. Apps can protect themselves by wrapping all resource accesses inside try…catch blocks.
When using the Direct3D software T&L pipeline (device created with D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING flag set or with D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING flag and software vertex processing toggled on), then point sprite support is guaranteed. When using hardware vertex processing, some drivers may not support point sprites, but they must indicated this by setting d3dcaps->MaxPointSize to 1.0f.
Two vertex shader instructions may produce implementation-specific results for out-of-range inputs, such as the log of a negative number. The log, logp and y- component of the lit instruction macro should not be passed negative values for this reason.
The D3DMISCCAPS_CLIPPLANESCALEDPOINTS caps bit is improperly set in the DirectX 8 software vertex processing pipeline device. The bit is cleared in the corresponding DirectX 9 device; however, we have decided not to change the legacy behavior for the DirectX 8 device since this change would introduce inconsistent behavior between DirectX 8.0, 8.1 and DirectX 9.0 versions of the DirectX 8 device.
Change in behavior for shader def instructions between DX8 and DX9 - The behavior of the constant "def" instruction in vertex and pixel shaders has been changed between DX8 and DX9. The new defi and defb instructions fall in the same category. In DX9, the lifetime of def'd constants in a given shader is confined to the execution of that shader only (and is non-overridable). The DX9 behavior is as follows. If a shader is set with c4 def'd, then a call to Set*ShaderConstantF() on c4 is made then shader get the def'd value. If another shader that uses c4 (but does not def it) is run, the shader will get what was set via Set*ShaderConstantF(). Likewise, calling Get*ShaderConstantF() will only ever retrieve constant values set via Set*ShaderConstantF(). DX8 behavior was that defs in a shader had their effect at the moment Set*Shader() was called, as if Set*ShaderConstant() was called for each def'd value, followed by setting the shader itself. Calls to Set*ShaderConstant() after setting a shader with def'd values would therefore override the def'd values. This could be desirable, but had the unwanted property that the order that multiple shaders are set could affect their behavior if a shader ever used a constant value that was def'd by another shader. As would be expected, the DX9 runtime manages constants to ensure that even when running on a DX8 driver, the DX9 behavior described above is what will always be observed.
When creating a VS 3.0 shader on devices which do not support PS 3.0, you must take care in expressing the output declarations, because the runtime will pass on the contents and ordering of these declarations to the rasterizer, which expects the results to map to an FVF. In particular:
a) Vertex semantics must be expressible in an FVF
b) The order of declarations should conform to order restrictions for vertex semantics within an FVF
Failure to follow these rules will result in asserts and debug error messages such as:
Direct3D9: Decl Validator: X1059: (Global Error) On a device that does not support ps_3_0, a transformed vertex declaration must specify elements in FVF order.
DirectX 9 introduces a new high level shading language for shader programming. This language provides the ability to more easily write shaders with functions, arbitrary variable names, conditionals, and loops.
This release of DirectInput has identical features to that of DirectX 8.1. At this time there is no plan to add additional features to DirectInput in DirectX 9.0
The DirectPlay application programming interfaces (APIs) are available for the Microsoft Windows® Powered Pocket PC 2002. See DirectPlay for Pocket PC 2002 in the help file for more information.
DirectPlay8 Bluetooth Service Provider for Pocket PC 2002 is available for devices using the Microsoft Windows CE Bluetooth stack.
The DPN_MSGID_SEND_COMPLETE message structure has new members that allow you to accurately determine the round-trip travel time of individual messages.
DirectPlay has a new service provider for network simulation. You can continue to use the dp8simui.exe interface tool or try the new IDP8SimControl methods to test applications under a variety of network conditions.
Applications can cancel all messages sent by a particular player using the DPNCANCEL_PLAYER_SENDS flag when calling IDirectPlay8Peer::CancelAsyncOperation(),IDirectPlay8Server::CancelAsyncOperation(), or IDirectPlay8Client::CancelAsyncOperation().
Players receive their local player identifier (ID) in the DPN_MSGID_CONNECT_COMPLETE message.
Hosts can prevent DirectPlay from servicing enumeration queries by setting the DPNSESSION_NOENUMS flag in the DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure when calling IDirectPlay8Peer::Host() or IDirectPlay8Server::Host(). Additionally, servicing enumeration queries may be turned off and on with this flag by calling IDirectPlay8Peer::SetApplicationDesc() or IDirectPlay8Server::SetApplicationDesc().
Messages sent to a group with no players in it will now return DPNSUCCESS_NOPLAYERSINGROUP instead of DPNERR_GENERIC.
Optional packet signing for all DirectPlay8 traffic
Improved defense against connection spoofing
Added DPNCLOSE_IMMEDIATE flag to Close() for ungraceful immediate shut down
Added DPNINITIALIZE_HINT_LANSESSION to Initialize() to provide DirectPlay8 a hint about the underlying session infrastructure
Added packet coalescence via DPNSEND_COALESCE flag for Send()/SendTo()
Allow application tuning of the DirectPlay8 protocol via DPN_CAPS_EX structure provided to SetCaps() and retrieved from GetCaps()
Added the group owner’s context value to the DPNMSG_CREATE_GROUP structure
Calls to Host() without the DPNSESSION_NODPNSVR flag set in the DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure will fail if dpnsvr.exe fails to start and will return DPNERR_DPNSVRNOTAVAILABLE
Improved DirectPlay8 protocol behavior for slightly “lossy” links
Added new IDirectPlay8NATResolver interface and client side device address components DPNA_KEY_NAT_RESOLVER & DPNA_KEY_NAT_RESOLVER_USER_STRING to further improve NAT support.
Added new DPNA_KEY_TRAVERSALMODE device address component to control automated NAT and firewall traversal settings.
Added new IDirectPlay8ThreadPool interface for finer control over DirectPlay's threading, include a new DoWork threadless mode.
Added DPNGETLOCALHOSTADDRESSES_COMBINED flag for GetLocalHostAddresses() to combine all of the hosts addresses into a single address object. This can be passed to EnumHosts or Connect so that all addresses will be tried simultaneously.
Added transparent IPv6 support to the TCP/IP service provider. Applications should require no changes to support either IPv4 or IPv6 as long as they do not assume that the DPNA_KEY_HOSTNAME component is in IPv4 decimal dotted notation (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn).
To use DirectPlay Voice in full duplex mode, we recommend that you update to the latest drivers for your audio device. Some older drivers do notprovide reliable full duplex performance.
Notes on DirectPlay for Pocket PC:
In order to conserve memory usage, the retail binaries for the PocketPC version of DirectPlay do not contain parameter validation. During development, your application should make use of the debug binaries in order to check for parameter usage errors.
Notes on IDirectPlay8ThreadPool
DirectPlay Voice does not support the shared thread pool. Using the IDirectPlay8ThreadPool::SetThreadCount method to alter the number of threads or put DirectPlay in threadless "DoWork" mode will not affect voice message handler callbacks. You should be prepared to handle voice callbacks on multiple threads, and on threads that have not generated a DPN_MSGID_CREATE_THREAD message, regardless of IDirectPlay8ThreadPool settings.
The modem and serial service providers do not support the shared thread pool. If you use these service providers, you should be prepared to handle callbacks on multiple threads, and on threads that have not generated a DPN_MSGID_CREATE_THREAD message, regardless of IDirectPlay8ThreadPool settings. You can identify the service providers that support the thread pool, such as TCP/IP and IPX, by looking for the DPNSPCAPS_SUPPORTSTHREADPOOL flag returned by IDirectPlay8Peer::GetSPCaps, IDirectPlay8Client::GetSPCaps, or IDirectPlay8Server::GetSPCaps
Notes on NATs (Network Address Translators):
When performing the first operation over the TCP/IP service provider, DirectPlay attempts to detect a Network Address Translator (NAT) or firewall. This increases the time that the Connect(), Host(), or EnumHosts()|calls take. If you are sure that your machine is not behind a NAT or|firewall, you can set the new DPNA_KEY_TRAVERSALMODE device address component to DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_NONE to avoid this detection process.
When you specify a port in your device address, the default DirectPlay traversal mode DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_PORTREQUIRED maps the same port number externally on the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) compatible NAT. If this port is already in use, then the Connect(), Host(), or EnumHosts() could fail with DPNERR_INVALIDDEVICEADDRESS. In some cases, your application may not require that the public port be the same as the local port, or mapped at all. You can use DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_NONE or DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_PORTRECOMMENDED to alter this behavior.
Notes DirectPlay Voice codecs via Windows ACM (Audio Compression Manager):
DirectPlay Voice uses the following codecs via the Windows ACM: - Microsoft ADPCM - Microsoft GSM - DSP Group Truespeech
Installation of these codecs with Windows is optional. If they are not installed, then one or more of the compression types in DirectPlay Voice will not function. If the application attempts to use a compression type that is not functional due to a missing ACM codec, it will receive the DVERR_COMPRESSIONNOTSUPPORTED return code.
On Windows 2000, the user can install these codecs through the Add/Remove Hardware wizard. The user should select "Add/Troubleshoot a device". When a list of hardware is presented, the user should select "Add a new device", then on the next page select "No, I want to select the hardware from a list". This will bring up a list of hardware. Select "Sound, video, and game controllers". The "Audio Codecs" item is listed under "(Standard system devices)".
On Windows 9x, the user can install these codecs through the Add New Hardware wizard. When prompted, the user should select "No, I want to select the hardware from a list". In the list of device types, codecs are listed under "Sound video and game controllers". The codecs are listed under two manufacturers. The ADPCM and GSM codecs are listed under "Microsoft Audio Codecs" and the Truespeech codec is listed under "DSP Group".
Functional parity for down level systems (pre-Windows XP)
Addition of support for DVB-T and DVB-C broadcast standards
Pin connections with mpe/slip with ipsink may fail with a “filters cannot agree on a connection” error if NO tuner is installed post – DX9 installation. This behavior is exactly as seen in XP. This may be due to the TV tuner driver not being properly installed. Automatic loading of BDA NDIS miniport is restricted by design. By Right clicking and installing the bda.inf and rebooting the machine circumvents this problem.
After rebooting a Windows 2000 system with a BDA receiver card installed, the BDA NDIS IP NIC is not immediately active. It becomes active only when an application inserts the BDA IPSink filter into a graph and connectsits input pin. Once activated by connecting the IPSink filter's input pin, it takes 20 to 30 seconds for the BDA NDIS IP NIC to be assigned an IP address. The address assigned will be a Net 10 address. Once activated, the BDA NDIS IP NIC will remain active until the system is rebooted.
There may be some applications that use the BDA NDIS IP NIC as the default LAN adapter. These apps will fail if the BDA NDIS IP NIC is active. To de-activate the BDA NDIS IP NIC, reboot the system and do not run a TV graph or application.
When viewing a BDA Network provider property page with GraphEdit, you cannot enter a -1 value. As a workaround, enter 0 and click the down arrow to set the value to -1.
Pin connections with mpe/slip with ipsink may fail if NO tuner is installed post-DX8.1 installation. This behavior is exactly as seen in Windows XP. This may be due to the TV tuner driver not being properly installed. Automatic loading of BDA NDIS miniport is restricted by design. The solution is to right click and install the bda.inf, followed by a machine reboot.
Video Mixing Renderer Filter 9 (VMR-9). - This new, redistributable rendering filter is similar in concept and design to the VMR that is available for Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional. The VMR-9 is more powerful than the original VMR (now called "VMR-7") because it is fully compatible with the DirectX 9.0 graphics capabilities and it offers improved support for deinterlacing and ProcAmp control (brightness, contrast, hue, and saturation).
New deinterlacing support in the DV Video Decoder filter. The DV Decoder filter now supports interlaced output, as well as deinterlaced output. Earlier versions of the decoder always deinterlace the video. With the new version, the interlaced video can be preserved and saved to file, or the video can be deinterlaced by the VMR, for improved rendering quality.
New deinterlacing support in DirectX Video Acceleration.
AVStream driver development and runtime support on all platforms prior to Windows XP has been improved for close functional parity with Windows XP. A few AVStream and core Kernel Streaming behavioral differences still exist that are documented in the SDK.
New encoder application programming interface (API) specification. The Encoder API defines a standard, format-neutral way in which software or hardware encoders can communicate with applications and device drivers. IGetCapabilitiesKey is a new interface that filters can implement in order to enable applications to query for the filter's capabilities.
MPEG-2 Sections and Tables Filter. This new filter enables an application to get PSI tables from an MPEG-2 transport stream.
Microsoft TV Technologies now supports DVB-T (terrestrial) and DVB-C (cable), in addition to DVB-S (satellite). For more information, see the SDK documentation.
The Analog TV Tuner filter now supports adding new channel frequencies via the registry. This feature extends the existing mechanism for adding channel frequency overrides. For more information, see International Analog TV Tuning in the SDK.
DirectShow Editing Services (DES) now supports plug-in video resizing filters. For more information, see Providing a Custom Video Resizer in the SDK.
The DVD Graph Builder enables applications to use the VMR-9 through the IDvdGraphBuilder::RenderDvdVideoVolume method. The DVD Navigator now supports playback of audio during fast forward; users can now watch a movie at speeds higher than 1x without raising the pitch of the audio track, if the decoder supports this feature. The DVD navigator now provides faster DVD menu navigation.
Video renderer no longer displays frame counters on debug builds.
SDK Updates
Significant enhancements to the GraphEdit utility, including Windows Media Certification (dekeying of non-DRM WM graphs), Filter Favorites menu, improved connect/disconnect from remote graphs, save/restore options, frame stepping, and color coding of connected filters. XGR files are no longer supported by GraphEdit.
Sample source code has been improved to enhance security, reliability, and readability. Support for Visual Studio.NET has also been added (VC.NET projects, solutions, etc.)
Managed code for audio and video file playback. The Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback managed code namespace provides playback and simple control of audio and video media. For more information, refer to the DirectX documentation for the managed DirectX components.
Numerous bug fixes and refinements for SDK samples and tools
New Unicode Debug/Release build targets for Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual Studio.NET projects
New and revised content in the SDK documentation
New ProfileEnum tool (in Bin\DXUtils) lists the Windows Media system profiles that are available for use on your system. This tool is helpful if you are creating Windows Media files (ASF,WMA,WMV) through DirectShow interfaces.
The AMCap sample application now supports MPEG-2 program stream input, for example from analog TV Tuners that stream MPEG-2 content. A third-party DirectShow-compatible MPEG-2 decoder is still required to decode the streams.
The PlayCapMoniker sample demonstrates an alternate method (AddSourceFilter()) because using RenderFile() with monikers is no longer supported.
Audiobox: Audio-only media player, similar to the Jukebox sample. It supports Favorites and playback of Windows Media Audio and MP3 files.
CaptureTex: Blends Texture3D and PlayCap to display incoming live video on a rotating Direct3D surface
CaptureTex9: Extends the CaptureTex sample to render live incoming video onto a Direct3D9 surface (a waving flag).
CompressView: Demonstrates how to recompress an audio or video file using a different compression type.
DSNetwork Filters: Implements an IP source filter and an IP rendering filter. This filter set allows you to transmit/receive MPEG-2 data on a network.
GrabBitmaps: Shows how to grab bitmaps from a video stream.
Metronome Filter: Sample filter that shows how to implement a reference clock.
PlayDVD: A simple windowed DVD player based on the PlayWnd sample.
PlayWndASF: Added limited DRM support to the previous PlayWndASF sample.
PSIParser Filter: Shows how to retrieve program information from an MPEG-2 transport stream.
PushSource Filters: Set of three source filters that output a single bitmap, a series of bitmaps, or a live desktop capture video stream.
RenderLog: Creates a text log of DirectShow's progress while rendering a media file. If you receive an error when you call IGraphBuilder::RenderFile, you can use this tool to create and view the log.
RGBFilters: Set of several sample source and transform filters useful for testing.
Texture3D9: Extends the Texture3D sample to play video on a DirectX 9 texture surface, utilizing Direct3D9 features for more efficient rendering.
TransViewer: Enables you to preview all of the DirectShow Editing Services transitions installed on your system.
Blender: Demonstrates how to mix, blend, and manipulate two video streams.
MonitorInfo: Displays simple information about the available monitors (using a VMR interface).
Pip: Demonstrates how to create picture-in-picture effects using the VMR.
Text: Displays alpha-blended text over running video.
Ticker: Extends the Text sample to draw horizontally scrolling text across the bottom of the video. You can scroll text as a static bitmap or as a dynamically generated bitmap created from user input.
VMRMulti: Plays multiple video files over an animated Direct3D background. Each video stream is individually seekable.
VMRXclBasic: Shows how to play video in full-screen exclusive mode.
Watermark: Places an alpha-blended bitmap over the video and adds effects (alpha strobe, scrolling, bitmap animation).
Windowless: Demonstrates basic playback using the VMR's Windowless mode.
VMR-9 versions of eight VMR-7 samples: Blender9, MonitorInfo9, Pip9, Text9, Ticker9, VMRPlayer9, Watermark9, and Windowless9
VMR9Allocator: Renders video onto a rotating Direct3D surface
BitmapMix: Uses the VMR9 to render video onto a Direct3D9 surface while blending a bitmap that can be moved via mouse input
MultiVMR9: Demonstrates using a custom VMR9 Allocator-Presenter in a multi-graph environment. There are three folders in this project, including a support DLL, a MultiPlayer sample, and a 3D GamePlayer sample that integrates video playback into a Direct3D game environment.
JukeboxASF has been removed. Its Windows Media support has been merged into the Jukebox sample.
The video codec used in highway.avi and ruby.avi has been changed to Cinepak. This was done to enable playback on OEM and integrated media installations of Windows XP SP1, which no longer ships the Indeo codecs.
Some of the DirectShow samples, such as XTLTest, have a runtime dependency on files redistributed in Windows Media Player 7 and newer releases. If a generic runtime error or the message "A required .DLL file, WMVCORE.DLL, was not found." occurs, please check and update the WMP version present. Note that these files are available for redistribution via the Windows Media Format SDK.
A modification was made in the MPEG-1 audio decoder that no longer allows a dynamic change in the MPEG audio layer.
Some video card drivers incorrectly advertise the D3DPTEXTURECAPS_NONPOW2CONDITIONALflag, which indicates that the driver supports non-power-of-2 textures. Because of this driver bug, you may see garbled video data in the place of an alpha-blended bitmap. This will be noticeable when running the Text or TickerVMR samples in the Samples\DirectShow\bin folder. We hope that this vendor driver issue will be resolved soon.
The DirectShow Visual Basic 6.0 samples are located in the Extras folder or available as a separate download. There are no new Visual Basic or Visual Basic .NET samples available for DirectX 9.0.
There is a known problem with the MP3 decoder filter when used with Audio Effects DMOs. If you add an audio effect DMO (like WavesReverb, Echo,or Flange) to an existing MP3 filter graph, the audio could be played back at double speed. The problem would occur whenever the MP3 decoder is connected to a downstream audio effect dmo (via the dmo filter wrapper) that offers a default audio input type which doesn't match the native format of the uncompressed MP3 stream. For example, if you render a 22kHz MP3 file and add a DMO Audio effect, the MP3 filter could misinterpret the input type as being 44kHz when it is actually 22kHz. This would not be a problem for 44kHz MP3 files.
The WavesReverb DMO will only accept 16-bit audio input. If you attempt to connect the WavesReverb DMO to an 8-bit audio source, the connection will fail.
The sample XTL files were updated in DirectX 8.1 to reflect a change in the DES XML parser on Windows XP. XML attributes must now be specified in *lowercase*. Mixed-case attributes will fail on Windows XP.
The latest WM ASF Reader and WM ASF Writer filters, and the DMO Wrapper filter, are shipped in the Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK. Future updates to this binary component, qasf.dll, will be done through Windows Media releases only. The DirectShow SDK ships versions of these filters locked at the DirectX 8.1 level of functionality.
Both VMRXcl and VMRXclBasic samples requires a video adapter than can be set to 640x480 resolution at 32-bit display depth. Some older video cards support only 16-bit and 24-bit resolutions, which would prevent this sample from running properly.
The way that DirectShow Editing Services (DES) parses numbers in XTL files is not entirely consistent.
The following attributes must be integers that do not contain a period or comma:
- bitdepth
- buffering
- height
- samplingrate
- stream
- userid
- width
<group type="video" width="1024" height="1024">
<group type="video" width="1,024" height="1,024">
The following time-based attributes must use a period between the seconds and the frame number, regardless of user locale:
- cutpoint
- framerate
- mlength
- mstart
- mstop
- start
- stop
- time
- tlstart
- tlstop
<clip src="sample.avi" start="1:00.30">
<clip src="sample.avi" start="1:00,30">
All parameter values within a <param> element must use periods or commas depending on the user's locale.
English: <param name="Vol" value="0.050000">
German: <param name="Vol" value="0,050000">
To enable Windows XP VMR features, set the Windows version to 0x501 (the Windows XP version) in your Visual C++ project files.
Application development using the DirectShow base classes libraries requires installation of the DirectShow samples. The source code for the base classes is included as a sample project in the Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClassesdirectory. You must compile these base classes to generate strmbase.lib and strmbasd.lib, which are no longer installed as library files. If you are linking with strmbase.lib or strmbasd.lib with your own application, be sure to build and link with the updated DirectX 9 libraries (instead of the older libraries that may be installed with Visual Studio or the Microsoft Platform SDK).
You will be required to build the BaseClasses libraries before any sample that depends on them can be built. Please review the Readme.Txt file in the DirectShow samples root directory for more information on building the samples.
The samples included with the SDK are configured to compile and link with the sample BaseClasses libraries, which are generated by building the BaseClasses sample project. Further build instructions are provided in: <DXSDK Install Folder>\Samples\C++\DirectShow\readme.txt.
The DirectShow IDL files are installed in the SDK \include\DShowIDL directory.
The <streams.h> header file, along with many other DirectShow-specific header files, is located in the DirectShow samples BaseClasses directory, which includes the BaseClasses source code and header files. You must add the BaseClasses directory to the beginning of your project's include path settings in order for Visual C++ to find all of the updated header files.
If you have the SDK on CD-ROM, the Extras\DirectShow\Media directory contains additional media that can be used with DirectShow and the DirectShowEditing Services (DES) interfaces. We have included DV-encoded AVI videos, larger MPEG videos, and higher-quality JPEG images. Since the DV files are very large, you should copy them to your hard disk before playing them to ensure the best performance.
DirectShow MFC samples won’t build with the Unicode settings under Visual Studio 6 unless the MFC Unicode libraries (MFC42U.LIB and MFC42UD.LIB) are installed on the system. These libraries are not installed by default with Visual Studio 6.
To add them:
1) Select Add/Remove Programs from the control panel.
2) Highlight Visual Studio 6.
3) Push the “Change/Remove” button. This will start the setup application for Visual Studio 6.
4) Push the “Add/Remove” button.
5) Highlight Visual Studio C++ 6. Push the “Change Option…” button.
6) Highlight “VC++ MFC Libraries and Templates”. Push the “Change Option…” button.
7) Highlight “MS Foundation Class Libraries”. Push the “Change Option…” button.
8) Check “Shared Libraries for Unicode”. Push the “OK” button.
All DirectX 9.0 SDK samples are developed and compiled with Visual Studio 7.0. The DirectX 9.0 SDK samples are optimized to compile with Visual Studio 7.0, and we have provided Visual Studio 6.0 DSP files for your convenience.
The DirectX SDK no longer supports using Visual Studio 5.0. While this may work, any issues with using Visual Studio 5.0 and the DirectX 9.0 SDK will not be addressed in this release or future releases. The DirectX 8.0a SDK supports VC 5.0 ( with the SP3 linker fix ) and Windows 95, so this may be an option for some developers.
High level DirectX applications & tools. All can be accessed from the SDK sample browser.
\DirectX extensions for Visual Studio
Microsoft® Visual Studio® supports debugging assembly level and high-level language vertex and pixel shaders.
\Visual Studio 6.0 Wizards
This directory contains the application wizards that can be plugged into Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. This wizards are installed by the SDK.
To make the wizard available manually, copy it to the \Common\MSDev98\Template folder of your Visual Studio installation.
To use AppWizard:
1. Run VC6 or VS7
2. Click "New". Under the "New Projects" tab, select the
"DirectX AppWizard" wizard.
3. Type a project name and click OK.
4. Choose wizard options, and click finish when done.
5. Build and run the new project.
\Visual Studio 7.0 Wizards
This directory contains the application wizards that can be plugged into Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0. They are all installed by the DirectX 9.0 SDK
\DirectMusic Producer
DirectMusic Producer is the authoring tool for DirectMusic. It allows composers and sound designers to use the interactive and variable resources of DirectMusic along with the consistent sound performance of DLS. DirectX Audio Scripting can also be authored and tested within Producer. The DirectMusic Producer setup program and all files are located here.
Skinning exporter tools
Contains complete DirectX 9.0 Japanese documentation. It also includes DirectX 7 HTMLHelp Documentation for English and Japanese, DirectX 7 Documentation in Microsoft Word format (English only) and DirectX 8 HTMLHelp Documentation for Japanese.
Marlin Studios
Textures used in the Billboard sample, tree02S.tga, tree01S.tga & tree35S.tga, are provided courtesy of Marlin Studios ( They are provided for use with this sample only and cannot be distributed with any application without prior written consent.
Viewpoint Digital, Inc.
The model used by the Visual Basic AutoParts sample, engine1.x, is provided courtesy of Viewpoint Digital, Inc. ( It is provided for use with this sample only and cannot be distributed with any application without prior written consent. V6 Engine Model copyright 1999 Viewpoint Digital, Inc..
3DCAFE and Platinum Pictures
The model in the Dolphin samples, Dolphin.x, is derived from the model files ( provided courtesy of 3DCAFE and Platinum Pictures ( It is provided for use with this sample only. For further terms of use please visit the 3DCAFE site or contact 3DCAFE.
The Roland SoundCanvas Sound Set includes the necessary sounds to make a complete General MIDI compatible sound set. It also includes additional sounds necessary to make a complete GS Format compatible sound set.
The GS Format is a standardized set of specifications for sound sources that defines the manner in which multitimbral sound generating devices will respond to MIDI messages. The GS Format also complies with General MIDI System Level 1.
The GS Format also defines a number of other details over and above the features of General MIDI. These include unique specifications for sound and functions available for tone editing, effects, and other specifications concerning the manner in which sound sources will respond to MIDI messages. Any device that is equipped with GS Format sound sources can faithfully reproduce both General MIDI sound recordings and GS Format MIDI sound recordings.
Roland Corporation U.S.
7200 Dominion Circle
Los Angeles, CA 90040-3696
Phone: (323) 890-3700
Fax: (323) 890-3701
Roland GS Sound Set/Microsoft (P) 1996 Roland Corporation U.S.
The Roland GS Sound Set/Microsoft, the "Sample Set", incorporates the Roland SoundCanvas Sound Set. Roland Corporation U.S. owns the Sample Set and all copyrights pertaining thereto and has licensed the Sample Set for use solely on Microsoft operating system products and Microsoft Application Products.
Roland reserves all rights to the Sample Set not expressly granted by Roland Corporation U.S. or by Microsoft under the terms of Microsoft's End User License Agreement.
The Sample Set may only be redistributed with your software application as a part of a Microsoft operating system product installation and under the terms of Microsoft's End User License Agreement. The Sample Set may not be separated from the Microsoft operating system product; the Sample Set may only be installed by the Microsoft installation procedure for the associated Microsoft operating system product or for an associated software development kit. All other uses of the Sample Set require a separate written license from Roland Corporation U.S.
The Sample Set may not be used, copied or redistributed in hardware ROM or similar technology of any device without prior express written permission from an authorized representative of Roland Corporation U.S. The Sample Set may not be redistributed with any Musical Instrument . A "Musical Instrument" is any device that is capable of generating musical sounds without being directly connected to a computer with a licensed Microsoft operating system product. You may not modify the Sample Set under any circumstances.